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GSP-AA | Endurance Sports

GSP-AA | Endurance Sports


Sports genetic test for Training and Injury Prevention:

  • 190 genes
  • 104 characteristics analized (phenotypes)


This test analyzes the following exclusive conditions, when compared to the Strenght Sports:



  • Altitude hypoxia - VO² Max

  • Altitude hypoxia - performance


  • Triglycerides reduction
  • Systemic inflammation reduction
  • Increased HDL cholestrol
  • Angiogenesis
  • Mitochondrial biogenesis
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy
  • Increased lactate threshold
  • Increased systolic volume

Body Composition

  • Vastus lateralis lenght
  • Slow-twitch muscle fibers


  • The kit contains all materials needed to your testing, as well as sample collection instructions.


    Results will be accessible on our website or sent to you by email 6-8 weeks after we receive your sample. 


    For further questions, please contact us.

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